Welcome to Virtual Sensory Night, brought to you by the Shenandoah Valley Discovery Museum and Valley Health, sponsored by Continental /O’Sullivan Films.

We are so glad you are able to join us online and look forward to being able to welcome you back into the building once the pandemic subsides. Tonight, we have some sensory friendly and Spooktacular fun for you. Go at your own pace. Try what interests you. Come back to it again and again. This is a time for you to explore, to discover, and to learn through play.
The staff of the Museum and Valley Health will also be available 6-7 pm on October 22 via ZOOM if you’d like to pop by and say hi or share some of your creations from this special event!
ZOOM Meeting ID: 823 8880 2507, Passcode: 697373
Caregivers’ Corner: Deep Breathing and Mindfulness
Join Michaela Raach (MOT, OTR/L) and Molly Connor-Hall (MS, OTR/L) from Valley Health Rehabilitation in this video on mindfulness and deep breathing. The video is designed for caregivers to learn how participating in deep breathing can decrease stress for you and your children!
References: All images were collected from: Unsplash.com
John Hopkins All Children’s Hospital (2020). Diaphragmatic breathing. https://www.hopkinsallchildrens.org/S…
Mollo, K. S., & Merizalde, B. A. (2018). Increasing competency for parents of adolescents with executive functioning deficits: Enhancing occupational performance with mindfulness. Open Journal of Occupational Therapy (OJOT), 6(3), 1–14. https://doi-org.suproxy.su.edu/10.154…
Spooktacular Yoga with Dr. Diane
Join Dr. Diane for some Spooktacular yoga that is sure to get your inner monster smiling. In this gentle yoga sequence for the whole family, you’ll prepare yourselves to join the monster mash while working on gross motor skills, deep breathing, and mindfulness!
Fine Motor Skills and Pumpkin Art
Pumpkin Tambourine: Follow along with Ms. Jen to make a fun pumpkin shaker out of household objects!

What You’ll Need:
2 paper plates or bowls (or sturdy cardstock)
Orange crayon, marker, pencil or paint
Tape or stapler
Beads, beans, kernels, buttons, or mini LEGOs
Brown paper or toilet paper tube
Green paper or fabric or pipe cleaner
Black paper or black crayon, pencil or marker
Coffee Filter Pumpkins: Gather your markers, some coffee filters, and water to create this fun pumpkin artwork as you follow along with Ms. Jen.

What You’ll Need:
3 coffee filters
Washable markers
Paper towel
Water (in a spray bottle if possible)
Leaf Creatures: Collect a bunch of colorful fall leaves and create a fun fall leaf creature as you follow along with Ms. Jen!

What You’ll Need:
Googly eyes or markers (sharpie works best)
Paintbrush or Q-tip (for glue)
Exhibit With An Educator
Each month, we’ll take a deeper dive into one of the exhibits at the Shenandoah Valley Discovery Museum. This month, Dr. Diane gets creepy and cool with the Madagascar Hissing Cockroaches. Join her to learn more about their adaptations and why they make that hissing sound!
Sensory Scavenger Hunt
Join Discovery Museum Director Dawn Devine on a sensory scavenger hunt. Let’s play!
Thank you for joining us for October’s Virtual Sensory Friendly Night, sponsored by Continental. We look forward to welcoming you to Virtual Sensory Friendly nights in November and December. Have a Spootackular and Safe Halloween!