Welcome to Virtual Sensory Night, brought to you by the Shenandoah Valley Discovery Museum and Valley Health, sponsored by Continental /O’Sullivan Films.

We are so glad you are able to join us online and look forward to being able to welcome you back into the building once the pandemic subsides. Tonight, our sensory friendly fun is focused around the idea of gratitude and giving thanks. Go at your own pace. Try what interests you. Come back to it again and again. This is a time for you to explore, to discover, and to learn through play.
Caregivers’ Corner: Self-Regulation
Join Molly Connor-Hall (MS, OTR/L) from Valley Health Rehabilitation in this video designed to help caregivers learn more about self-regulation and how an individual’s level of alertness can impact self-regulation. In addition to this, caregivers will learn tools and strategies for promoting self-regulation.
Yoga for Gratitude
Join Dr Diane and the Shenandoah Valley Discovery Museum for a little mindfulness mixed with yoga for gratitude. No equipment necessary, just an attitude of gratitude. Music Credit: Childhood by Sascha Ende Link: https://filmmusic.io/song/448-childhood License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/b…
Make a Calm Down Bottle
Materials Needed:
- clear bottle/jar with lid
- water
- glue/glycerine
- sequins/confetti
- glitter
- food coloring
- Clean bottle/remove wrapper
- Fill jar partially with glue/glycerin
- Add water until jar is 7/8 full and stir.
- Add glitter, sequins, and confetti
- Screw on the lid tightly to seal.
- Tip upside down and watch your additions swirl!
*To make things flow more slowly, add more glue/glycerin. To make things move faster, add more water.
Exhibit with an Educator:
Discover the Longhouse
Join Dr. Diane and the Shenandoah Valley Discovery Museum as we take a closer look at the Longhouse Exhibit. Andrew T. Tyler, of Pamunkey and Cherokee ancestry, shares stories and history about the shelter/longhouses of the Eastern Woodland People with the Shenandoah Valley Discovery Museum in this segment. Special thanks to Alistair Bingham for his videography work on this segment.
Giving Thanks:
Make a Card to Show Your Gratitude
- Paper to fold to make a card (large enough for your hand to fit on)
- Coloring supplies
- Googly eyes
- Feathers
- Ribbon
- Envelope
- Stamp (if necessary)
- Trace hand to make a turkey shape.
- Color and decorate to look like a turkey (get creative! Who says turkeys can’t be purple with orange polka dots?!)
- On the feathers (the fingers) write things that you like and are thankful for about the person who will receive this card.
- Inside the card, let them know the words on the front are what you are thankful for when you think of them. Wish them Happy Thanksgiving and sign your name, too!
- Place the card at their place at the dinner table, in an envelope, seal and deliver, or place a stamp and address on the front and drop it in the mail!
Sensory Fun:
Make a Giving Thanks Sensory Bin
Join Shenandoah Valley Discovery Museum Executive Director Dawn Devine for some giving thanks sensory fun. For this activity, you will be creating a sensory bin for hours and hours of fun.
Sensory Fun:
Make a Seek and Find Bottle
Materials Needed:
- Clear bottle (with a wide mouth is better)
- dried beans, beads, or rice
- small figurines
- beads
- buttons
- small plastic letters
- plastic pumpkins
- pom poms
- Clean bottle/remove wrapper
- Add small objects that you will be searching for to the bottle first.
- Add beans/beads/rice to fill bottle 7/8 of the way
- Secure lid.
- Roll/shake bottle to see if you can reveal hidden objects.
*Add a list of objects to top of the jar; add more beans/beads/rice for a challenge or fewer to make it easier for finding! Challenge the seeker to find objects that begin with certain letters or are certain colors; time seekers to see if they can find all hidden objects in a designated amount of time; work together to find all objects.
Thank you for joining us for November’s Virtual Sensory Friendly Night, sponsored by Continental. Please share the link with your friends and other families who might enjoy the activities. We look forward to welcoming you to a special Five Senses Virtual Sensory Friendly Night in December. We are THANKFUL for YOU!